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Jenny Sichel


       Jenny is the ParaRowing Coordinator at Community Rowing, Inc., coaching and organizing adaptive rowing development. She has been to the World Championships twice, in 2010 and 2013, as a coxswain for the US Para Rowing LTA 4+ and is planning on continuing her training for the 2016 Paralympics. Jenny has a BS in Mathematics from Bryn Mawr College and is looking to pursue a PhD to further her understanding of rowing mechanics and physiology.


Athlete Survey

I have created this survey in order to find some primary data about rowing injuries directly from those who sustain them. Many subjects and great results from this survey will provide me with a solid base from which to build the rest of my research and my paper.


I have reached out to members of CRI's adaptive and outreach programs, but unfortunately I have still received no responses. 



If you are an adaptive rower and would like to fill out this survey, please click below:

Coach Survey

I have created this survey in order to find some primary data about rowing injuries from those who are knowledgeable about rowing mechanics and training. These results will give me a unique perspective to delve into in my paper.


Again, I have not received any results as of yet.


If you are an adaptive rowing coach and would like to fill out this survey, please click below:

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